Dear Souls and Hearts Members, In last week’s reflection, Catholic Being vs. Catholic Doing, I promised to dive more deeply into practical recommendations to help you let go of “doing” and enter into “being.” N.B.: I am focusing primarily on the realm of human...
Relationship with God
How and Why We Reject God’s Providence
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, In last week’s reflection, Thanksgiving: Skin-Deep vs. Profound, we explored why so many of us Catholics have such difficulty with a deep, wholehearted thanksgiving to God, living in a complete gratitude, in all circumstances, with all...
Why Is Interior Integration Crucial for Union with God?
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, Recap: Proper self-love is indispensable In last week’s reflection, titled St. Thomas Aquinas: You Must Love You. First., I laid out the arguments from our Angelic Doctor about why proper self-love is essential to being able to love your...