Who Forms Your Clay?
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, Happy Easter to you! The Lord is truly risen. I hope you can fully enter into the joy of this season. May God bless and keep you. Two weeks ago, we began a new series of weekly reflections on human formation, beginning with the March 29...
Of Mirrors and Identity: The Hardest Question
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, For 15 years, I devoted myself to psychological assessment, with a specialized focus on men entering the seminary. I focused in learning how to understand, at a deep level, the individual humanity, the unique personhood of each of these...
Why I Reject the Concept of “Personality”
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, We seek to understand ourselves So many Catholics want to understand themselves better, and within proper limits, that is a good endeavor. Over time, people have developed various ways of trying to describe who we are -- not just...