“The Kingdom Within” with Dr. Gerry Crete
Reflections on our inner worlds.
Souls and Hearts is excited to bring you a new monthly feature — The Kingdom Within. Each month, Dr. Gerry reflects on passages from the Bible, the writings of the saints, Church documents, and the writings of noteworthy theologians, philosophers, and spiritual writers from a parts work perspective. The Kingdom Within comes to your email inbox every third Monday of the month.
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Man’s True Nature
August 19, 2024
“When the immortal Son created man, He gave man the aim of himself becoming god.” -St. Gregory Nazianzus (Orations, XLIII, 48) This is a powerful and provocative statement. We know from Genesis 1 that man was made in God’s image and likeness. The early Church Fathers describe the pre-Fall Adam as united with God and therefore by his very nature possessing all the virtues. “Man was created in the image of God, which amounts to saying God has made human nature a participant in every good… Thus all sorts of good are in us: all virtue, all wisdom, and the best... READ MORE