Dear Souls and Hearts Member, If you have serious difficulties with self-discipline, it’s going to be hard for you to discipline others, including children, well. Period. Full stop. What is discipline? But let’s back up a bit. What is discipline? There is often...
Review of Parent, Child, and Adult: Healing Our Inner Selves
Dear Souls and Hearts Member, We are embarking on a project in these weekly reflections that I’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Over the next several weeks, we will be taking a deep dive into the books currently published that may be the most helpful for...
IIC 126: Borderline “Personalities”: Your Questions Answered by Dr. Greg Bottaro
Your Tor-Mentors: God’s Gift to You at Thanksgiving
Dear Souls and Hearts Members, Thanksgiving is again upon us -- the annual American holiday famous for family reunions, turkey feasts, televised football and backyard pick-up games, the Macy’s parade, afternoon naps and pumpkin pie. A day specifically set aside for...