Of Mirrors and Identity: The Hardest Question

Of Mirrors and Identity: The Hardest Question

Dear Souls and Hearts Members, For 15 years, I devoted myself to psychological assessment, with a specialized focus on men entering the seminary. I focused in learning how to understand, at a deep level, the individual humanity, the unique personhood of each of these...
The Deepest Human Formation Work A Catholic Can Do

The Deepest Human Formation Work A Catholic Can Do

Dear Souls and Hearts Members. Get ready. In this reflection we are about to get into some of the most important human formation work a Catholic can do. A brief review of needs, God concepts, and God images Let’s review of the ground we have already cultivated to...
The Top 10 Needs That Fuel Modern-Day Idol Worship

The Top 10 Needs That Fuel Modern-Day Idol Worship

Dear Souls & Hearts Community, So often we hear homilies, sermons or read spiritual writings about idols in the modern day. And that is a good thing, it makes sense. The first commandment of the Decalogue in Deuteronomy reads as follows: I am the Lord your God,...

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