From Rejecting to Embracing Aging

From Rejecting to Embracing Aging

Dear Souls and Hearts Members, In last week’s reflection, titled Seeing Your Difficulties Through the Eyes of Providence, we began the journey that the saints take from rejecting the PIECES (the Persons, Institutions, Events, Circumstances, Experiences, and Systems)...
Moving from Rejecting to Embracing God’s Providence

Moving from Rejecting to Embracing God’s Providence

Dear Souls and Hearts Members, In last week’s reflection, titled How and Why We Reject God’s Providence, we zeroed in on the single most important predictor of a deep sense of peace and joy. I wrote: In my experience, the primary difference between Catholics who live...
How and Why We Reject God’s Providence

How and Why We Reject God’s Providence

Dear Souls and Hearts Members, In last week’s reflection, Thanksgiving: Skin-Deep vs. Profound, we explored why so many of us Catholics have such difficulty with a deep, wholehearted thanksgiving to God, living in a complete gratitude, in all circumstances, with all...

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