Spy Wednesday

Apr 13, 2022

Today is Spy Wednesday

Spy Wednesday, one day before Holy Thursday is when Judas hardened his heart and made a deal to hand Jesus over to the chief priests.

Then Satan entered into Judas called Iscariot, who was of the number of the twelve;  he went away and conferred with the chief priests and captains how he might betray him to them.  And they were glad, and engaged to give him money.  So he agreed, and sought an opportunity to betray him to them in the absence of the multitude.

(Luke 22:3-6)

Emil Nolde – Judas with the High Priests (1922), Oil on canvas, 107 x 142 cm

And that decision unleashed the chain of events that led to our Savior’s crucifixion.  Judas made himself the enemy of Jesus.  But even at the very last moments, after this treachery, Jesus reached out to Judas, gave him a place of honor at His right hand at the the Last Supper…

 And even called him “Friend” after Judas kissed him in the Garden of Eden, still seeking to reconnect and save Judas from destruction.

Caravaggio (1602) The Taking of Christ

It was still not too late for Judas to repent, even at the late, dark hour. And it’s not too late for us to receive our Lord’s extended hand.

Litanies of the Heart Print Versions

Let’s work on whatever keeps us from our Lord.  And to help with our closed hearts, our fearful hearts and our wounded hearts, we now have the Litanies of the Heart print versions, ready to order and ship in the US.  Check those out here we have all the information on our landing page.

 Order Print Litanies Now

On behalf of the entire team at Souls and Hearts, we wish you a blessed and holy Triduum.  You are in our prayers, please keep praying for us.

In the suffering Christ and His sorrowful Mother,

Dr. Peter

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