We Are an Easter People!

Aug 27, 2020

Take me to “A Catholic’s Guide to Self-Help”

by Irene Rowland MS,NCC,LPC

We are an Easter people!! Just as Jesus experienced resurrection after much suffering, all men and women can become new creations. He is the way to attaining resurrection to eternal life with God the Father. He can also be the way, in the here and now, to resurrection from all the ways people have been known to suffer.

Experience Suffering

Many people can be pulled down because of life circumstances and sometimes the sufferings are of their own making. God will never let go of the hand of His loved ones, but sometimes we let go of His. On the cross, His outstretched hands are inviting His beloved sons and daughters to once again see Him, hear Him and to take His hand if we’ve let go of it. He can give both the beautiful eternal life that He’s prepared, but also the new life of redemption here on earth where He can be known to be a trustworthy companion in the journey of life. There will still be irritations, inconveniences, confusing situations, troubling times and even heartaches. That will not change His steadfastness.

Trust that God is a Good Companion

Relying on His friendship can give peace in turbulent times. He is faithful and reliable. God is able to reach His children in many ways. Sometimes, He helps individuals and families to lead a deeper, more fulfilling life through working with a kind and competent therapist. Usually, addictions, heartaches, marital discord and many other troubles are much bigger than can be handled alone. God often works through professionals by allowing them to accompany those who are deeply hurting during a portion of their journey through life.

Experience a Therapeutic Journey

God can allow others to be His hands and feet in order to minister in a visible, tangible way. At times, it just helps to hear an audible voice reassuring us that we’re on the right path or challenging us to go deeper. Others can speak life into a situation by asking the right questions. Often, people have had the answers deep within themselves all along. It can be very affirming to see oneself through someone else’s eyes who sees us as valuable and made in God’s image. They can be a mirror of truth.

Counseling can be challenging work but well worth the investment of time and energy for one’s own well-being. Of course there is also the positive ripple effect on the others in a person’s life. Growth is worth pursuing. A fulfilling life is what God wants for each person and He uses many ways to help us to get there. Consider the options, pray, and decide what the answer is to the call of using this particular avenue of counseling. What a joy there is in becoming who one was created to be, free from the old struggles that held them back! He can bring healing through the discovery of how to become more open to receiving the great and personal love that He has for each person. There is hope. Redemption is waiting for all willing to partake of this great gift.

About Irene Rowland, MS, NCC, LPC

Irene is a licensed professional counselor with Holy Family Counseling Center working out of two offices in the greater Atlanta area. She counsels individuals, couples and families. She considers it an honor to walk alongside her clients who are brave enough to be working on their growth journey. She is also trained in EMDR trauma therapy and uses it successfully with more than half of her clients. She is a member of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association, Chi Sigma Iota an international honor society in counseling, the Licensed Professional Counseling Association, Psi Chi an international honor society in Psychology, and a member of the National Board of Certified Counselors. For more information about her, please visit Holy Family Counseling Center.

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